About Us

Our roadmap starts with our goal which is enduring our passion for designing. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions. We are serving as the leading manufacturer and exporter of Home Furnishing products and Lifestyle Accessories from the past decade.
We are deliberately in the trade and successfully catering to leading buyers from across the globe. We have the strength of more than 100 employees who are part of the Pravi Designs family. At our core, we are very creative in our ways of Product Development and We emphasize continuous innovation in terms of Design, balancing its functional and aesthetic application on products.
In this direction, we are committed to delivering our shipments on time since we very well know the value of time and the importance of selling seasons.
At Pravi Designs, We make magic. We dream it, and then we do it together- every day reinventing what’s possible. We are extremely serious about our every customer and the quality of the product which we deliver them.

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We have a skilled team of tailors having great experience of good quality sewing & stitching on basic to advanced materials


Our experienced team take care of quality packaging & placement of brand labels, wash care labels, barcode, etc very carefully